Our history

Our history

The Saga of Garcia Sirvent Nougats: Passion, Tradition, and Quality Since 1940

From grandfather David García Sirvent to his granddaughter Montserrat...

over eighty years of artisanal craftsmanship.

Our history

Around the year 1940, the intrepid natives of Jijona, David García Sirvent and his beloved wife Elvira Miquel Miquel, embarked on a journey to Catalonia, leaving behind the lands of Jijona for a new opportunity in Vilanova i la Geltrú, working with some friends who were ice cream makers.

At the end of the summer, the determined couple, David and Elvira, set out to find a place to settle down permanently. After exploring various towns, they discovered a gem called Valls, known for its vibrant and active market.

David, with his knack for spotting opportunities, negotiated with the owner of a building at the entrance of Valls. This deal allowed the couple to break into the local market and share their passion for nougat with the community.

With the arrival of Christmas, David returned to Jijona, where, immersed in the nougat factory, he worked diligently. Around December 15th, he returned to Valls with an assortment of the first nougats, marking the beginning of a tradition that endures to this day.

The connection with Jijona has been constant over time. David's son, and currently his granddaughter Montserrat, continue the family saga, crafting the beloved artisan nougats of supreme quality with the prestigious certifications of Denomination of Origin (DO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) of Jijona and Alicante Nougat.

In every piece of nougat we make, there is the dedication of a family that has made nougat more than just a product, but an authentic expression of passion, tradition, and commitment to quality. At Torrons Garcia Sirvent, each nougat tells us about our history and the love we put into every detail.

Our mission endures, and with each generation, we continue to sweeten your lives with the best of our artisan nougats.

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